Born in Tunis in 1982, Ali Tnani is a visual artist. He is currently based in Tunis. He graduated from the Institut Supérieur des Beaux-Arts de Tunis. Since then he has frequently participated in international art residency programs.

"Trace, Space, Data" are some of the key words that revolve around Ali Tnani's artistic practice. This practice leads him to exploit various media and formats such as photography, drawing as well as sound installation and documentary film.

He has participated in several solo and group exhibitions in Tunisia and abroad including: "Ce vide, Voilà ma réponse" (2022), a solo exhibition at the B7L9 art station - Kamel Lazaar Foundation (KLF), Tunis; "Hirafen", 2023, Ateliers du Tapis & du Tissage, Tunis; "The upshot of trans-affective solidarity", TAM Torrance Art Museum, Los Angeles, USA, 2022 and Motorenhalle Centre for Contemporary Art, Dresden, Germany, 2021; "Climbing Through The Tide" (2019) at KLF B7L9 Art Station, Tunis"; A new Humanity" (2018), Dakar Biennale, Senegal; “Unknown program” (2018), a solo exhibition at Elmarsa Gallery, Dubaï, UAE.

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